
Who Are We?

Take a look at Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew 28. 


Praying Like Jesus

Learn to pray like Jesus as we survey the Lord's Prayer. 


First Steps With Jesus

Focus on the first steps to keeping a right relationship with Jesus. 

Philippians Thriving

Explore how to thrive as we walk with Christ everyday. 


An Election Year

Survival Kit

Discover what we as Christians need in our election survival tool kit. 


Consider the beginning of everything as we delve into Genesis.



Explore the essentials that make up the bedrock of our faith.


Questions for Jesus

Seek answers from Jesus for some of society's challenging questions.


Find out why Jesus matters today as we look at the gospel of Matthew.


Explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.



Be inspired to worship God from His "playlist" in the book of Psalms.

Special Services

Find recent Sunday messages not part of a series.


David Hoffelmeyer is the lead pastor of Faith Church. He is an ordinary pastor learning to follow Jesus alongside his neighbors and is passionate about welcoming and gently leading others on Jesus' paths of grace.  Pastor Dave enjoys golf, tennis, music (guitar, singing, songwriting), and hanging out with his wife, Christina, their three kids, and puppy, Hero.